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President's Message

 India is rapidly transforming from agri-based to service sector economy. Over the last five years, Indian economy has witnessed steady growth in Indian GDP. Having witnessed this growth, India now stands at the door of unprecedented opportunities to realize not just an incremental but a transformational   growth. The greatest challenge before us to make this growth all -inclusive and to ensure that the benefits are available to all sections of society. Such growth with inclusive objective demands enhancement of the quality of education, healthcare, rural development infrastructural facilities.   This is a challenge that captivates the best minds of India over the years.

A crucial factor for realizing the rising expectations and aspiration for the future growth of India is the spread of technical education and effective use of modern science and technology. In Indian society science and technology has to play vital role in solving many problem relating to water irrigation, healthcare, communication and transport and energy supply that severely affect the quality of life.   In  the realization   of   this inclusive  growth the role  of  technical education  and  institutional  measures  are of paramount  importance  .

In all these  years, SVKM  along with  its  S.B.M.Polytehcnic  and  other  technical educational institutions ,   always tried to   enhance quality of education  and ensure  the transfer of  knowledge  to grass roots of the society .  From last fifty years our S.B.M.polytehnic is always at the front in establishment   and implementation of many best practices in technical education which are ultimately beneficial to societal growth and development.   I am confident that our S.B.M.Polytechnic will continue  with this great task with great vigor in the coming years.


With heartiest Wishes

President, SVKM