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Admission Details
Post SSC Diploma admissions:

SBM Polytechnic is a Gujrathi speaking Linguistic Minority institution. As per the rules 50 % of the intake are reserved( minimum ) for the candidate belonging to Gujrathi speaking Linguistic community. Remaining 50 % are available for the non Gujarathi ie General category candidates.  

Admissions Category / Courses available /seats
1> MS DTE through state level admission procedure (CAP)

A) General – Aided Courses (50% of Sanctioned Intake Civil Engg/Mechanical/ Electrical/Plastic/ Chemical/Electronics and Telecommunication)

B) Gujrathi Linguistic Minority – Aided/Unaided  Courses (50% of Sanctioned Intake Civil Engg/Mechanical/ Electrical/Plastic/ Chemical/Electronics and Telecommunication) and Unaided Courses ( 51 % of Sanctioned Intake Computer Engg and Information Technology )

C) General -Unaided Courses ( 29 % of Sanctioned Intake Computer Engg and Information Technology )

2> Institute level Admissions  20% of Sanctioned Intake under Institute quota for Computer Engineering and Information Technology


Admission notification:

The admission notifications for the both the admissions will be published in leading news paper and on official websites after the SSC result declaration .

Eligibility Criteria and Reservations /Quota

As per MS DTE rules applicable to General / Minority candidates

The aspirant are advised to refer admission prospectus and the MSDTE website for details.

Direct Second Year Diploma Admissions:

The admission notifications for the both the admissions will be published in leading news paper and on official websites after the HSC result declaration. 

Eligibility Criteria and Reservations /Quota 

As per MS DTE rules applicable to General / Minority candidates